Storm with a skin

I am a pile of defects always trying to sort themselves out kinks in a net all knotted up wrapped around a rusty anchor I am a pile of defects an idiosyncratic night road I walk to the light waking to a moan rolling over in the morning then I absorb you like a smell…

On getting back up

Disappointment is a gritty pause between what you hoped for and what you got when you have to make do with what you thought you wanted it’s the inevitable letting go to your lack of control it’s hard to know for sure what this flow is all about this acceptance that is not defeat the…

Fears conquered

The dark edge of the bed screamed muffled in the middle of the night a black glove creeping up against the wall smothered inhibitions he got in too close like a burglar stole what was not his politely jaded pried me open with force and soft words innocence devoured can you open like this?  as…

Sir Galahad and the Witch

I lean into this with my woundedness and the reach of a witch part of this pact to understand is in your hand burying her hideous into your chest all my mediums useless against your skin un hechizo healing with your flesh I can be whole freeing my final stretch a hopeless romantic sin remedio…

The Syncretist

I have to admit it’s true the one thing about you that tastes rough and hard to swallow is your too American views in all matters on the how to’s of love and what to do about the truth materialism is built  into you unequivocal though unintentional the transactional measurements of the psychosexual functional neurotic…


One eye fixed on the horizon the waterline creeps and recedes rhythmically up and down my mouth opens as if I could almost drown I can breathe fine one minute and the next I’m choking on grief as if tragically in slow motion the need the reach neither helping I can’t stand and I can’t…

rabid courage

I’ve been meeting the death of all my ideals stripping meaning with ends that always reveal a freely speaking bet you’d never deal your hand holding what let you almost conceal a fate waiting the deck’s cards like peels slowly falling off the dying tree leaves blowing seasons slipping into forgetting like all the memories…


I’m a rubberband feeling good to bad from up and down the length of you that’s me looking back in what I perceive and then stretching beyond the fretting breathing through the devastating once again cruelty came back to me with the face of my shame a burning seed humiliating me as I react to…

Anything worth doing can be done

You said to holler if I feel like I’ve been down the same road so I come back here to you years like long sighs in between you and me a dreamlike projection sweeping into my days it is sweet to touch the story of you for moods paced in minutes singing your song like…

A Tiny Affair

I died today it was a tiny affair and no one came just me and your grave an unexpected deep well of what-a-twist in store the plot thickens and bends the shape of my heart to the debt of a slave that cannot ever fully be repaid I wept filled with regrets having caused pain…