Life is nothing, if not lived

Don’t take care of your heart that’s nonsense like being attached to the shell as it cracks inevitably breaking your seed sprouts as was intended from inception don’t hold it back let it break and change bold and daring life is nothing, if not lived in its magnificent entirety pain and pleasure the dramas like…

On the War on Women

Ok, so tell me about how important it is to be me and how I am not some problem to solve and that I’m this unique journey to love but tell me the truth without the pound of makeup four filters on Instagram sporting clad clothes and implants in a flirty perfect selfie pose go…


Some days are a penance self-imposed by the choices I made why didn’t I feed my self-esteem why didn’t I make it a priority to fill up on sunshine instead I chose to slave away the days thinking it would help some greater good caught in a vicious corporate web trying to make ends meet…

10 year plan

she kept asking me when will we get married I’d chuckle it up and tease her about having babies but not now we’re too caught up in who we are one day I realized there was someone else entirely standing before my eyes someone different from who I knew then she left me and said…

The way it went

I’ve tried to find shelter in close bonds friends, lovers, family only to find there’s nothing to be found in the ignorance of others’ best intentions I spent years studying intimacy to grasp what’s within and what’s not One day I woke up things wrinkled, things shrunk others grew and this is not how I…

What you saw vs. What you thought

I couldn’t say if you ever really knew me not because of any or all the cliché reasons they say you can’t truly know anyone that you can’t see someone’s heart is a lie we are showing ourselves constantly the key is what was cultivated to make sense of this chaos called everyday life It…

Brain shiver

It just takes longer to get through the spit and fury of the reeling responses of a mind trying to come off a habit withdrawal is a hunger for what was there before not because it’s better not because it’s whole but just because it’s what is known it’s the way nature tells me I…

All of my choices

I’m turning into someone I barely recognize those eyes have seen it all she can’t disguise that she doesn’t know it just shows thru the crook in her smile depths hinted at you can barely fathom but you feel the weight of her waves as close as a rider breathing with his horse carrying both  I’m polarizing truth facing down the waves surfing her displays the emotional roller…

Corporate geisha

I made myself real small to learn to breathe with less air curled myself into in a ball like a fish out of water I’m learning to suck a little harder in real time and forgive the edge its sharpness by accepting to live with me peacefully inadequacies are the foibles of being like the…

Dear Social Media,

I have a few words for you today it’s time we had a talk about the way we don’t really see eye to eye or even each other anymore just so you know, I didn’t go under the knife for vanity but to take action in response to the realization I could do something to…