And you change

It’s been years coming even though you didn’t see it that way that terrible things happen and you inevitably change often without realizing what it stripped away until one day you notice an absence the inner chatter of continuous judgment that is selfishly centered on measuring the world by its own states has a lower…

The moving parts

You get to a point you can’t track all the moving parts the busy bits the needling pauses the sudden starts a part of your mind tunes out and there it goes spinning on its own out of control like it always was You just detached instead of being the movie you step back and…

The long way back

I will take the long way back the kind you loosen up to because it’s a strenuous journey and there’s a trembling in the pit beneath the sky above the fire deep in my belly I’m the bouncing sound the ricochet between the walls the spitting hiss whizzing by that just missed another inch and…

The Witching Hour

I’ve been going down all the roads I’ve gone before now the miles ride buttery with the new asphalt laid over the toll the wounds took and the surface once broken now seamless yet I remember them well the circles I’ve closed while I hung on a cross sacrificing everything from the years in between…

Life is nothing, if not lived

Don’t take care of your heart that’s nonsense like being attached to the shell as it cracks inevitably breaking your seed sprouts as was intended from inception don’t hold it back let it break and change bold and daring life is nothing, if not lived in its magnificent entirety pain and pleasure the dramas like…

Ordinary hues

I’m a girl on the run weeping at 3AM in the bathroom bleeding from cuts too young trying to warm up beneath the heatless sun of a flickering bulb I walk with monsters camouflaged in scars afraid of the dark the first thing I learned was to contain the suspense of the unknown that made…

On the War on Women

Ok, so tell me about how important it is to be me and how I am not some problem to solve and that I’m this unique journey to love but tell me the truth without the pound of makeup four filters on Instagram sporting clad clothes and implants in a flirty perfect selfie pose go…


Some days are a penance self-imposed by the choices I made why didn’t I feed my self-esteem why didn’t I make it a priority to fill up on sunshine instead I chose to slave away the days thinking it would help some greater good caught in a vicious corporate web trying to make ends meet…

10 year plan

she kept asking me when will we get married I’d chuckle it up and tease her about having babies but not now we’re too caught up in who we are one day I realized there was someone else entirely standing before my eyes someone different from who I knew then she left me and said…

The way it went

I’ve tried to find shelter in close bonds friends, lovers, family only to find there’s nothing to be found in the ignorance of others’ best intentions I spent years studying intimacy to grasp what’s within and what’s not One day I woke up things wrinkled, things shrunk others grew and this is not how I…