If only he knew
his masculinity is
slowly torturing me
wrapped in divinity
sharply spiked and laced
he tendrils smoky
heady thoughts
getting drunk
together breathing
the quick rush
of forbidden needs
his scent clings to my skin
he straps me in with wants
around my waist
a seatbelt embrace
for my mad fury
pacing the hall
a scurrying roach
across the wall
the delicious yield of giving in
crawls down from the countertop
where he served me up
nakedly tossed
with the cork twisted
popped and pulled
the quiet full throttle
spilled the thrill
we drank the guilt
with last night’s bottle
swirled around an ounce
of wordless heartbreak
the complement of this soft ache
his tough against my bluff
feminine inadequacy made up
to look like candy.
He runs his hands over
my landscape of rough
protruding mistakes
my face mirrors his gasps
like a drowning man
my air is never enough
he wants more
than I can afford
in my share I’ve reserved
so I pass him a tank of oxygen
masked with my lips
and let him breathe me in
until the morning after
that one night.
Then the sunlight
pierces through another day
stretching out as I wake
my bed stares back empty
the smell of coffee fills me.