If only he knew his masculinity is slowly torturing me wrapped in divinity sharply spiked and laced he tendrils smoky heady thoughts getting drunk together breathing the quick rush of forbidden needs his scent clings to my skin he straps me in with wants around my waist a seatbelt embrace for my mad fury pacing…
Author: Arya Sunyata
Sometimes the poem is in a silence
Sometimes the poem is in a silence Now I know what it is to have a heart Borne from stillness in tempered brilliance. Expressed experience masked in clairvoyance True journey is return broken apart Sometimes the poem is in a silence. The heavens call to me as consequence Only what dies holds beauty birthing art…
The way you test my every glance is our dance that sparks zest between my legs when I burst into laughter.
Art brings the seed of change and if you charge for change you limit the access I love exposure to others because it refreshes my thinking I also am careful with exposure in excess to protect myself from sunburns
I live in a screen sized bubble connected to the globe 24/7/365 it’s not yet free it just seems it and the monsters are one tweet away and the thieves bought the ads to sway the masses into believing what’s free is good when they’re milking benefits they reap from the mindshare it’s a cancer…
Bare reflection
She stares down the lengths of her profile as if she’s met another’s face looking back she can barely recognize the silhouetted lines etched into features that look so mixed she questions who she is an impossible twin sheltering in her skin looking back through the glass her eyes are wide nets cast into the…
I have full confidence in life’s perfection while death is always in my face.
You gave me a box
You gave me box with nothing but a little treat a worm disguised as a chocolatey desire that dug its hunger into my chest and planted a seed of thunder igniting the storm within my skin I am the alpha the omega the entropy the grief the undoing of all creation as it’s birthing its…
It’s surrender
It’s surrender to what is the halving of your being from what was seeing yourself for the first time no longer young everything slips and slides in odd directions shadows you imagined distorted like your needs that small frail powerless feeling one slipped gasp when you finally let go You didn’t even know how tightly…
Sometimes when it’s quiet
Sometimes when it’s quiet and no one is there I flip through the what-ifs like sneaking a mixed drink of grief and near misses falling off the wagon with the way you never held me or told me sweet nothings the way we could have cradled each other laughing or crooning away the fears if…